Dry ice making process Do you know how dry ice is made? 1. First, liquid carbon dioxide is injected into a proprietary container, which is equipped with a forced heat sink and a container with good heat dissipation performance. 2. Place the contain

dry ice blasting machine for boat
On the boat's water line, our dry ice cleaner can be used for cleaning. Dry ice blasting machine YGQX-550

How is dry ice pellets produced?
How is dry ice pellets produced? Dry ice cleaning systems can generally be divided into two parts: CO2 is a by-product of industrial processes, such as fermentation processes and petroleum refining processes, which produce by-product CO2. The CO2 prod

Major Methods of Dry Ice Production
Major Methods of Dry Ice Production (1) Making dry ice at home: carbon dioxide fire extinguisher + cloth bag: Prepare a cloth bag, put it in the carbon dioxide fire extinguisher outlet, open the fire extinguisher switch, and form a small amount

Asian Gas Industry Association
Most of our customers are gas companies. In order to serve gas companies much better, Here are all websites of the Asian Gas Industry Association for your reference: Australia- New Zealand Industrial Gases Association

How to do after dry ice frostbite
How to do after dry ice frostbite Dry ice is not ice, it is not formed by the solidification of water, but a colorless gas in the form of solids - carbon dioxide. Its temperature is -78.5 degrees Celsius, and when it is sharply sublimated, the temperat

How to storage and use of dry ice
How to storage and use of dry ice Dry ice, also known as solid carbon dioxide (co2), is very volatile, sublimated to non-toxic, odorless, 1000 times larger than the solid area of gas carbon dioxide, so dry ice can not be stored in sealed and small

About the noise of dry ice cleaning
About the noise of dry ice cleaning Anti-noise ear protection is required for operation. The noise comes from aerodynamics. The surrounding air is cut by the air vortex to cut off the noise caused by the air vortex. It is usually 80-110 DB

Tank and Cylinder for dry ice making machine.
Tank and Cylinder for dry ice making machine. If you want to produce small production capacity, you can choose tank. If you want to produce large production capacity, you can choose cylinder LCO2.

How Dry Ice Blasting Works
How Dry Ice Blasting Works: 1.Impact of pellets creates a kinetic energy effect. The soft dry ice is accelerated by compressed air through specially designed nozzles at supersonic speeds. 2. Cold temperature of dry ice pellets creates a the

Information about the dry ice storage container's wheel
Information about the dry ice storage container's wheel Some customer ask us how about the wheel about dry ice box. Most of them want to have the wheel which are fix *2 and pivot with breaks *2. Attached please kindly check is our pict

New uses of dry ice, dry ice can wash clothes
Dry ice is really extensive use of dry ice for various industries, recently Swede washing machine without water design , technology tends to make our lives some of the tedious things interesting and easy. In laundry , for example, the Swedish electronics